
横浜発、メッセンジャーカンパニー「Courio-City(クリオシティ)」によるハンドメイドバッグブランド「A By Courio-City」のオンラインストアです。



営業時間:平日10:00-17:00 (土日祝の発送、メール応対等は行っておりません)

This is the online store of A By Courio-City, a handmade bag brand by Courio-City, a messenger company from Yokohama, Japan.

" The store produces and sells original items under the theme of "giving product to the real experience of messengers".

It is a genuine messenger bag brand by the only messenger company in Japan.

Business hours: Weekdays 10:00-17:00 (We do not ship or respond to e-mails on weekends and holidays.)